dL4 is a development platform

dL4 includes the ODBCdL4 server, providing access to dL4 and UniBasic data files from any ODBC compliant application, such as Microsoft Access and Crystal Reports. Also included is dL4Term, our PC-based terminal emulator that allows customers to deliver GUI and character-based applications from either Unix or Windows servers.
dL4 before and after, click here
For a complete list of Dynamic Concepts software, click here
Unix, Mac & Windows Compatible
dL4 is the development language you need to stay competitive. All dL4 applications and db are portable, and may be accessed, or executed, simultaneously from Unix, Mac, and Windows.
IMS Compatible
Seamless Operation
Integrates with dynamicXport
ASP licenses for dL4 allow the delivery of traditional or web-enabled applications over the Internet and you have the option of using our data center and servers to seamlessly deliver your applications.
Modular Design
Easily Learned
Easy Development
Extended Features
dL4Term Included