Passport licensing works by matching a unique server license-number (either derived from the server at installation, or supplied by an external hardware ‘passport’ device) with a Dynamic-supplied activation code called a Software Selection Number [SSN]. The SSN is based, among other things, on the following criteria: the hardware or derived license number, the products and revisions authorized and the number of users.
For a complete list of Dynamic Concepts software, click here
Simplified Licensing
Passport provides a single mechanism to manage all of your server’s licensing credentials for Dynamic Software, eliminating the need to maintain and manage separate licenses.
Easy License Mgt
ssnmaint Utility
Single License-Number
Included with Dynamic
Activate Only what you need
Passport allows you to license only the products, revisions, and users you need on your system. You can also easily add users or upgrade revisions on your software with a single SSN.
Customized Licensing
Licenses UniBasic,
dL4, & Much More
Choose User Limits
for Each Package